17 February 2006

R!:My rabbit aches!!**

The following pair is tricky only for myself:

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What's the big issue about this pair, then?

In Chinese, the difference would not be so much that of /t/ vs /d/, but of /th/ vs /t/.

This is, both are voiceless stops, but the first one (th) is aspirated.

And yes, I admit it:

  • Sometimes I forget the aspiration.

  • If it wasn't enough, I live with 2 rabbits.

  • In my mother tongue, conejo (rabbit) also refers to the **female reproductive organ**, so uttering "my rabbit aches" is embarrasingly ambiguous.

From Sinosplice to The Hall of Fame?

I am excited, thrilled.

Lord SINOSPLICEr has NOT ONLY been here (circumstance which already makes me nervous). He has even reproduced one of my graphics, isn't it fantastic?

I'm posting here the testimony, for eternity to witness:

(sorry for the quality, mobile phone pictures)

What will be next?

If I solution some technical issues, and start posting photoshopped pictures of myself, I might even become some kind of blogging demigoddess!


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